Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Play Dates and Things Kids Say

Kids are smart, funny, and downright maddening. My child is no different, but I have to say that she's never been so entertaining as when she started having play dates. Yes, play dates. You know, those wonderful occurrences that provide them with playmates and give Mommy (or Daddy) that little extra time to accomplish things. When they are at our house, I rarely accomplish as much as I could because I have one ear listening in on their conversations as I chuckle quietly in the other room. The way their brains work amazes me. Sometimes, they make such profound observations that I have to stop and think. I wonder, "Did my brain work that way, too?" If so, what happened? (g)

Some of my favorite play date moments are:

Charlie and I were sitting in the living room a month or so ago. Gigi had a friend over. They had asked if they could have a tea party. And this is how it went down:

"Mommy, we need some water," Gigi said.

"Mm..hmm..." I didn't get up because the magic word was missing.

Five or ten minutes passed before she says again, "Mommy, we need some water."

Again, no magic word, so nothing happened.

Another five or ten minutes went by and suddenly, Charlie and I heard them in the kitchen. I smiled because, well, this was how we learned as kids, right? Most of the time, we had to figure things out on our own...within reason.

Her friend: "You get the water, and I'll get the sugar."

Gigi: "We'll need the stepladder because we won't be able to reach the sugar without it."

The sound of the stepladder being dragged across the floor filtered out of the kitchen. I heard a thud, something being pounded against the kitchen counter, and then some frantic whispering.

Oh, this couldn't be good. My eyebrows rose, but I was trying not to laugh. How many times had I done something like this as a child?

Gigi: "I didn't spill that."

Friend: "Don't worry about it. I'll try to clean it up. You take the tea set to the table."

"Clean it up" got me out of my chair to investigate. Sure enough, the two conspirators were standing on the stepladder, the bag of brown sugar sitting on the counter in front of them, and a nice light coating of the same sugar all over the counter, the floor, and my stove. I struggled to keep a straight face and said instead, "You know, white sugar would have been easier to pour."

Friend: "I know, but I don't feel like white sugar." She held the little container she'd put some brown sugar in. "Do you think this is enough?"

There was probably a quarter to a half-cup of sugar in it.

Me: "More than enough."

Friend: "Well, if there's too much, I'll just eat the rest."

To myself, this was what was going through my head: HAHAHAHAHAHA. Outwardly, I said, "Um, yeah, I don't think your parents would care for that too much." (Sugar high here we come. grin)

So, they went over to the table and had some sugar water...for as long as it lasted, which wasn't very long because a few minutes later, her friend said: "We're out of sugar."

When I walked over to them after cleaning up the kitchen (it took me five or ten minutes to clean up all of the sugar off the kitchen counter and floor), there was a layer of brown sugar on the dining room table and on the floor. The girl was licking (yes, licking) the bowl that had held the sugar.

HAHAHAHAHAHA It still makes me laugh. It was hilarious. What can I say?

Now, just the other day, I was looking through Gigi's homework and came across this (Gigi is the blond girl in the drawing):

It made me stop and question why everything costs something. Why we can't just be sure everyone gets what she/he needs to live comfortably and be happy. I'm still pondering it. Is there a way? I honestly don't know, but they do say the darnedest things.

I'll wrap this up as I have to pick up that child right now, but I encourage you to share with me some of your favorite moments from your kids/grandkids/neighbor kids/any child you've witnessed doing something incredibly sweet, funny, poignant...


Cassandra Carr said...

My DD is 27 months and says the darndest things! She's the smallest back seat driver I've ever seen, for one thing. We taught her the difference between green, yellow, and red lights (I know, that was our first mistake), so now if there's a red light ahead she starts yelling, "STOP!!!!!" from the back seat. We could be 1,000 feet away and she's screaming "STOPPP, STOPPPP". Hilarious.

Fiona McGier said...

Okay, I'll start. When our oldest son was 4 I got pregnant with our 4th child. (Ok, we really did know what caused that, but we actually planned it that way!) He and his father were planting the seeds in the vegetable garden when he turned to his dad to ask very seriously, "Dad, since I get to help you plant these seeds, why couldn't I help you plant the seed in Mom to make a baby?" Husband was at a loss for words and later blamed me for encouraging open discussions even with wee ones.

But I seriously think that if you let them ask questions when they occur to them, and answer at the level they are at, then you won't ever need to worry about having "the big talk". Worked for us. They are all adults now, and none have needed therapy...yet.

Oh, and my kids used to watch me bake so they could pluck lumps of brown sugar out of the container. Something about that sweet taste with the molasses, I guess!

Marci Baun said...


HAHAHAHA Ours never yelled stop, but she would tell us that the light is yellow and why were we going through it? (g)

Gigi has become very aware of the gas gauge. If it gets below half tank, she's already telling us we need to stop and fill up or we'll run out of gas. (g) I have explained to her more than once that we'll be okay. It's when it gets to the E we need to worry.

Marci Baun said...

HAHAHAHAHA So, how did your husband respond, Fiona? (g)

Like you, I think questions are good, Fiona...most of the time. (g) Sometimes, those questions are at inappropriate times. One thing I think all parents learn is to watch what they say about others in front of their kids, no matter how innocuous it seems. (g) Yeah, I've had that come back to bite me. LOL

Teresa D'Amario said...

Sounds like you have loads of fun "eavesdropping". LOL how cute!

Marci Baun said...

I do, Teresa. One of her friends claims to have 5 siblings that she never gets to see, one of which is in Africa. Hm... okay. This particular friend and Gigi have a oneupmanship thing going on. When Gigi had lost some teeth, her friend claimed to have lost 12 already. Said friend hadn't lost a one. (g) Try keeping a straight face with that one. (g)

Faith Bicknell said...

ROFLMAO! Marci you should put that pic in a frame!

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe. When The Celt was just a little guy, about 3, he decided to dress himself one day. He steps out of the bedroom, all proud and full of himself. He spread his arms wide and smiled:

Son: "See, I dressed myself."
Sweetie: "That's great honey. But you put your shoes on the wrong feet."
Son: "Nuh uh, these are my feet."

Kind of tough to argue with logic like that.

Marci Baun said...

It is cute, but I found out after writing this that her elbow buddy had written it on his paper and he told her to write it on hers, so she did. (sigh) It's still very cute. :)

Marci Baun said...

HAHAHAHAHA, Lark. That is just too cute. Their logic is sometimes very hard to argue with. LOL How old is the Celt now?

Stephy Smith said...

When my oldest son was ten he found my tampons and asked his dad what they were. His dad told him I used them when I was on my menstrual cycle. My son stomped into the room where I was and asked, "if you have a menstrual cycle, why haven't you let me ride it?"

Marci Baun said...

Oh my God, Stephanie, your response left me gasping for air. HAHAHAHAHA I am sure he is glad he can't ride your menstrual cycle now. (g)

Kate Richards said...

Those are all cute stories but I think the strength it takes to let them set up their tea party and then clean it all up and not ruin their fun is the best testimony to momhood!

Janice Seagraves said...

The sugar tea party reminded me of finding my daughter, cross legged on the kitchen floor with the sugar bowl between her legs while she stuffed a spoon full of sugar into her mouth. "Yum," she said.

And that wasn't the only time I caught her with the sugar bowl, either.

She also said the cutest things. My mom and step-dad used to have a renter that rented out their back acreage, with cows, sheep and lots of chickens. When my daughter was still little, my mom gave her a snack in the kitchen, suddenly a roosted started crowing loudly and shrilly. My daughter jumped and said, "Stop that chicken. You scared baby me."


Marci Baun said...

I was tempted to intervene, Kate, but it reminded me so much of what I used to do as a child, that I decided to let it ride. I mean, how are they to learn if they aren't allowed to do in a safe place? They were also very fortunate that I was in such a good mood that day. (g)

Marci Baun said...

Honestly, Janice, I distinctly remember having a little bit of Cheerios with my sugar milk. (g) It's part of being a kid... I think. LOL

Savannah Chase said...

Kids are just the best. They come up with such fun ideas. They will also find a way to get what they want. LoL

ev said...

I have four step-children all around my age.My husband's oldest son is 2 weeks younger than I am and he has always had a problem with his father remarrying. (His first wife died unexpectedly). Step-son and wife have twin boys almost 6. When we were there visiting, right before Halloween, they argued at dinner about who was going to sit next to Grandma Evelyn. The look on his face, and my hubby's, was priceless. And I damn near cried!!

Amber Scott Books said...

The other day, watching Scooby Doo, my 6 year old son shouted at the TV, "Run, bit$h, run!" At Velma.
We don't cuss around the kids. When his dad asked where he'd heard that, he blamed me. I had read him a funny card with that "grown up" word in it to my friend in front of him.
It was sooo funny. The card and the moment.

Marci Baun said...

Isn't that the truth, Savannah. Gigi can be like a dog with bone when she wants something. Of course, Mom is a hair more stubborn if I disagree. (g)

Marci Baun said...

Oh, Grandma Evelyn, how wonderful is that? I am sorry about your woes with your SIL, but hopefully, he'll come to see just how wonderful you are for his father. :)

Marci Baun said...


It's amazing how children seem to be able to pick up the meaning of words, especially bad ones, by only hearing it used once. And yet, the words you want them to remember (please, thank you, you're welcome) are such struggle for them. (g)