Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Christmas in June

   Christmas you might say. How is that possible that it's in June and does that mean I have to buy more gifts? No, it's not Christmas for you, and not Christmas for me either, but it feels that way. Let me explain. I have two sons and one daughter. My oldest son’s birthday is June 20, my second son’s birthday is June 18. Great planning, I know, but what can I say, my anniversary is in September, enough said. But beside my two sons having birthdays two days apart, my youngest daughter is graduating on June 27.

Add in Fathers Day and June is a very expensive month. Hence the Christmas in June.
I joked with my hubby when our second son was born that we should just change his birthday to July 18. He’d never know the difference, I joked. Sure, until he got his birth certificate or any piece of ID when he grew up  So much for that. Serves us right for enjoying our anniversary right.
So my oldest son will be 25…where did the time go. I still remember his birth like it was yesterday. He was such a good baby, rarely ever cried, was content to lay on the floor and watch TV or video games my hubby played on the computer. How were we to know that by watching his father play video games would he grow up to be a computer programmer and game creator, as well as repair computers. He’s very intelligent and can pull apart a laptop in fifteen minutes flat.  So what does he give me for a birthday list. Yep, computer stuff. But hey, I’m not made of money so most of that is a no go. Not much else he wants so now we have to figure out what else to get him. Sighhh.
My middle son will be 21. He wasn't such a good baby, to start off with. He was colicky until he was nearly six months old. Then he was the perfect baby. Woke at 7 every morning, was asleep by 7:30 every night. He was a fast learner and walked by the time he was 8 months. His favorite thing to do was beat on his big brother. Funniest memory we have is when he was 9 months old he took the TV remote and whacked his brother over the head with it. Hard to yell at a 9 month old when hubby and I were laughing ourselves silly…inside. Outside we consoled out oldest, who was crying hysterically because his head hurt. Go figure that he grew up with a wicked sense of humor. LOL His list isn’t as expensive as his brother. What does he want? Gift cards and money to help him save for a trip he is planning in August. He’s always been the frugal type.
Then there is my daughter. Graduating from high school in a week and a half and it blows my mind away. How the hell did she become 18? Where did the time go? What happened to the little girl who liked to play with Barbies and brush her mommy and daddy's hair? The funniest moment in her life… okay, one of many, was when she was three she stole a stick of my brightest red lipstick and decided our orange tabby cat needed lipstick…on his balls. Yep, his balls. We’re still not sure why she chose his balls over his lips. Imagine two grownups, trying to wash the lipstick off of a cat ball? My hubby held the cat in the sink while I gently scrubbed his balls. He was pissed to say the least and despite my efforts, he walked around with pink balls for well over a month. But in my daughter's words, “Kitty is pretty now” and I doubt he agreed. The amount we have spent so far on her grad is well over a thousand dollars. Her dress and shoes alone were over five hundred then add in the hair, and shoes and tickets for the grad. Oy…And now in a week and a half she will be walking across the stage to receive her diploma. Sigh…
And then there was Fathers Day. Despite my hubby insisting on no one buying him gifts, he provided a long list of what he might like. Tossing the list aside, my kids decided to buy him chain mail. My hubby is a nerd as well as a lover of fantasy. He plays D & D as well as many live action shooter games. He has a collection of miniature mythical creatures and dragons. Last year he bought a collector's set of talking Tron action figures. From the movie Tron for those that are baffled by what I said. He’s a big baby. And the way his eyes lit up when he saw the chain mail was hilarious. Check out the picture and you can see how happy he is. He wore it all day. LOL

So that is why I said it was Christmas in June.  And that is why I am broke. But hey, it only comes once a year. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so behind on my christmas in july story. can i borrow yours? it's almost a plot bunneh. Imagine: a wolf pack where all the wolves were born in the same month! Hmm.... good luck!