Friday, 28 June 2013

World War Z

What did I get out of going to see World War Z? Well...
1) I can now officially say I've gone to the movie theatre to see a zombie apocalypse movie, so that's crossed off the list of pop culture things to do.
2) The certain knowledge that I would never survive a zombie apocalypse. Let's face it, I'm no Brad Pitt.
3) A chance to hold my wonderful hubby's hand for two hours. Crushingly.
4) renewed certainty that I am emphatically a rom-com kind of girl. Well leaving aside both the Marvel Universe and Middle Earth, that is, and even more so if both parties involved in the rom-com are men.
5) About zillion ore reasons to keep looking over my shoulder and to turn on lights before I go into any room.
6) and finally, proof that the allure of Brad Pitt is still a mystery to me. I will take a stern and aged Will Smith over unnaturally young-looking family guy Brad any day of the week.

will Smith from After Earth
 looking like a stressed  out
and aging soldier
Brad Pitt from World War Z
Convincing family man?
Not that I think Brad is a bad actor. I think he's a pretty decent actor. I just don't get all the hoopla is all.

All in all, The best part of the evening for me was spending it with hubs and having fun hanging out. I didn't hate the movie. I didn't love the movie. Given the choice of another zombie apocalypse or Iron Man? Or maybe Fili and Kili? I'll take a Tony Stark marathon, thanks, topped off by a helping of dwarves and hobbits before I venture into another zombie-fest.


Marci Baun said...

I prefer comedies, too, Jaime. You will not find me going to see World War Z. With all the doom and gloom in the world, I don't need to see it in the movies. LOL

Jaime Samms said...

Well, it was date night, and Grant always defers to going to see family movies, always with good humour, and I figured since we had no kids with us, it was time he got to choose the show. The female soldier fro Israel was utterly awesome, and I felt for the mom looking after their daughters and thinking she was never going to see him again. So there were a few moments I actually related to.