Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Eye Candy without the Guilt

A few weeks ago, a swimmer friend and I were talking in the woman's locker room. Our discussion turned to swim meets which in turn led us to the eye candy one sees around pools. Not just any pools, but pools where swimmers workout. There are plenty of options for everyone of any persuasion. My persuasion is men, as is Judy's. (Name changed to protect the innocent, although she will know whom I am talking about.)

There are a multitude of body shapes around these pools. Some are hot; some are pregnant (yes, we have pregnant women. Some of which are literally within days of birth. It's very cool.); some are chunky; some are very old; some have the belly-sticks-out-further-than-the-dick-do syndrome (a lot further); some need a little help.

We do see this, and we know where we are in the different categories. However, when we are swimming, we really aren't thinking about anyone's body but our own, and we get a fantastic workout. (Hence, no guilt when we are peeking. ) In between intervals, most of us are too busy trying to breathe to notice much anything else. (g) Although once I told a guy standing on the deck, "Although your body is nice to look at, I can't see the clock. Could you please move?" (g--We are a bit rabid about leaving on the right interval. Most of us are, anyway. And if you mess up our interval, we get a little cantankerous. Think getting between a PMS-ing woman and her chocolate. Yes, we are that bad. g) So, I suppose I do notice the bodies in between intervals, but I am more interested in my workout than their body. (g) Hard to believe when you see bodies like this one below. Okay, not quite like this one, but darn close.

Ah, I digress. It's so easy to do when discussing eye candy and inserting pics of hot bodies. So, Judy and I were talking about doing another swim meet. Swim meets have hot bodies galore. I told her about the first swim meet I'd attended in some twenty years. I jumped in to warm up. A few minutes later, three reel-in-tongue-pick-up-jaw-remember-to-breathe hot men jumped into my lane. I tried really hard not to stare. I am used to hot bodies around the pool, so it should be easy, but damn! they were...pant,! It turns out they were Olympians. Yes, Olympians. Bodies of Olympians make you want to do the let-me-rip-your-clothes-off-and-attack-you thing. (Not that I did. Instead, I had to keep myself from staring because, well, it's gauche and I didn't want to look like the horny, mature lady pretending to be a fast swimmer still. Of course, they did not notice me. I'd say it was a bit lowering, but, honestly, I didn't expect them to. I am not in their class. I am not an Olympian, nor do I have the body of an Olympian. shrug)

Judy shared her first in many years swim meet experience as well. Apparently, she had her camera with her and was talking pictures of a lot of hot-bodied men without even realizing it. Matter of fact, she didn't even notice how many pics of hot men she took until her husband asked her, "Who are all these men?" She doesn't do that anymore.


I so get it, though. But I don't feel guilty. They are eye candy after all, and I'm really there to workout or compete. I admire the bodies, I might have conversations with some men (when I can breathe--from swimming hard, people), but that's as far as it goes. It's as far as it will ever go. I am happily married after all. (g)

Of course, instead of attending swim meets or going to the pool, you can just visit this blog post and enjoy guilt-free eye candy.

Note: I was just going to add a few pictures of swimmers in this blog, but I saw so many yummy ones that I had a hard time stopping myself. (g) Now, there are photos of women too because I am an equal opportunity blogger. (We do have male readers after all. g)

Amanda Beard, Olympic gold medalist

Dara Torres, Olympic silver medalist in 50m free

(She is 41 in this photo and very thin, IMHO. O.O)

And one more of hot bodies. (Michael Phelps and Inge de Bruijn)


Faith Bicknell said...

I commend Dara! I was rooting for her big time when she returned to the Olympics. And also the gal--whose name escapes me--who was trying to swim from Cuba to the U.S. (or was it vice versa?). However, women with abs like Dara is sporting in that pic really disturb me. Women who are toned are lovely, but chiseled like stone, or worse, bulging female weight lifters, nope. Doesn't look natural and it scares me, lol!

Marci Baun said...

I rooted for Dara, too, Faith. And now Janet Evans, a 800m swimmer from the 80s, has qualified for the Olympics. She is 40. Janet Evans web site.

I'm not fond of that heavy duty six pack abs that Dara has, but I don't mind if there's a hint of them.

Valerie Mann said...

I'm going swimming.

Faith Bicknell said...

LMAO @ Val!

Marci Baun said...

HAHAHAHA, Val. Just make sure it's a pool where a masters team swims. (g) That's where the bodies are. (g)

Renee Vincent said...

OMG Faith, that was a hilarious post! Thanks for making me laugh out loud! And great eye candy too! I am without guilt today! Or any day there is man candy in the house.
I am so bad....

Faith Bicknell said...

No, not me. Marci wrote it, lol. You haven't had your coffee either, have you? LMAO!

Janie Emaus said...

Great photos. How come none of those hunks are at the pool where I swim?

Marci Baun said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it, Renee. (g)


You have to go to a pool where masters swimmers swim. (g)

My pleasure, Fierce. You are always welcome to return should you need a pick me up. (g)


Kate Richards said...

Dang! I was on swim team in high school and never saw anything this yummy. What pool did you say that was? :) Thanks for a fun start to the morning.

Marci Baun said...

We had some hot guys on our swim team, Kate. Most of them were smart and funny, too. (g)

Jennifer Wilck said...

Oh I was laughing for this one! My college boyfriend was a swimmer and I went to all his meets--didn't notice too many hot bodies there, though. My daughter swims at the Y and, um, I have to look elsewhere for eye candy. But it was the inspiration for a scene in my book! Of course, I upped the eye candy factor. :)

Marci Baun said...

College swimmers usually have good bodies, Jennifer. That's odd. Or maybe you were blinded by your love for you BF at the time. (g)

My first boyfriend was a swimmer (and water polo player). 44" shoulders and 28" waist. Yeah, I know. He had a nice physique. (g)

I don't think kids' swim meets are the place to look for hot bodies. (g) That's kind of creepy, right? ;)


Patricia said...

I've seen plenty of television featuring Michael Phelps but these pictures were to-die-for. I have never hung around pools but this sure makes me want to encourage my kids to try a new sport so I'll have an excuse to do so!

Faith Bicknell said...

After reading all the comments I'm wondering how many people outside of the cities have access to pools where such swimmers hang out. The only pools within a fifty-mile radius of us are public pools and they're full of babies and toddlers with their mothers and annoying teenagers.

Marci Baun said...

You should try a new sport, Patricia. Swimming is wonderful! It's a great work out, and the people are great, too. (Cause I'm not looking at the bodies, right? grin)

Faith, that may be the case. LA has a lot of high level athletes. This particular masters club has a lot of ex-Olympians, including our fabulous coaches. (g)


Jennifer Wilck said...

Okay, just to be clear--did not mean to be creepy. I just meant the other adults who swim at the same time (why you'd want to swim with a pool full of kids is beyond me)are definitely not eye candy. The only kid I'm looking at in the pool is my own and the only reason I can even find her in the first place is because she's so pale, her skin actually glows in the water.

And yes, at the time, I only had eyes for my boyfriend.

Jennifer Wilck said...

Okay, just to be clear--did not mean to be creepy. I just meant the other adults who swim at the same time (why you'd want to swim with a pool full of kids is beyond me)are definitely not eye candy. The only kid I'm looking at in the pool is my own and the only reason I can even find her in the first place is because she's so pale, her skin actually glows in the water.

And yes, at the time, I only had eyes for my boyfriend.

Jessica E. Subject said...

I remember going to the pool when I was younger, and I had a crush on one of my instructors. It's been years though since I've been swimming in a pool that size. The one I go to usually has only moms with kids and seniors.

Marci Baun said...

HAHAHAHA, Jennifer! I didn't think you were. I was teasing. (g)

It depends on where you are, Jessica. I have to say, though, if you swim at a pool with a masters program, you will see more bodies close to this. Not all, mind you. I am not remotely close to looking like either Amanda Beard, Dara Torres, or Janet Evans. (g)
